Mastering Plone 6 development#
Mastering Plone Development is intended as a training to learn proven practices of Plone development. It's both, an online course and a sketch for an on-the-spot training.
The story of a conference platform provides a training of several development topics that can be split in two trainings:
A beginner training (2 to 3 days) covering the essentials of Plone development.
An advanced training (3 to 5 days) with additional advanced topics concerning the Plone backend.
Mastering Plone 6 Development Training focuses on Plone backend architecture and topics of Volto development as long as the backend is involved.
We do not deal with pure Volto topics here. For Volto development see training Effective Volto.
We expect you to work with the Plone React frontend (former called Volto). Therefore we do not deal with Plone Classic topics here. For Plone Classic see training Plone 6 Classic UI Theming, training Mastering Plone 5 development and documentation Classic UI
Mastering Plone 6 Development
- 1. About Mastering Plone development
- 2. Introduction
- 3. The Case Study
- 4. What is Plone?
- 5. Installation
- 6. The Features of Plone
- 6.1. Starting and stopping Zope
- 6.2. Creating a Plone site
- 6.3. Starting and stopping the frontend
- 6.4. Walkthrough of the UI
- 6.5. Configure a Mailserver
- 6.6. The site structure
- 6.7. Default content types
- 6.8. Folderish content
- 6.9. Content Rules
- 6.10. History
- 6.11. Users and groups
- 6.12. Workflows
- 6.13. Publishing date and expiration date
- 6.14. Sharing
- 6.15. Url management
- 6.16. Working copy
- 7. Configuring and Customizing Plone "Through The Web"
- 8. Extending Plone with add-on packages
- 9. Extending Plone
- 10. Content types I
- 11. Content types II: Talk
- 12. Content types: Reference
- 13. Customizing Volto Components
- 14. Volto View Component: A Default View for a "Talk"
- 15. Develop
- 16. Behaviors
- 17. Creating a dynamic frontpage with Volto blocks
- 18. Programming Plone
- 19. Turning Talks into Events
- 20. Vocabularies, Registry-Settings and Control Panels
- 21. Custom Search
- 22. Testing in Plone
- 23. Using Third-Party Behaviors
- 24. Content types III: Sponsors
- 25. Upgrade-steps
- 26. The Sponsors Component
- 27. Using Volto add-ons
- 28. Extending Volto with a custom add-on package
- 29. Extending Volto With a FAQ Block Type
- 30. Workflow, Roles and Permissions
- 31. Relations
- 31.1. Creating and configuring relations in a schema
- 31.2. RelationFields through the web or in xml
- 31.3. Using different widgets for relations
- 31.4. Accessing and displaying related items
- 31.5. Inspecting relations
- 31.6. Programming with relations
- 31.7. Relationfields without relations
- 31.8. The stack
- 32. Roundtrip [The voting story] frontend, backend, and REST
- 33. Releasing your code
- 34. The code for the training
- 35. Trainer: Preparation
Please note that this document is not complete without the spoken word of a trainer.
We attempt to include the most important parts of what we teach in the training. But reading it here can not be considered equal to attending a training.